I am Pakistani and I condemn violence
I am Pakistani and I condemn violence Print
Friday, 07 January 2011 13:22
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By Tahmena Bokhari

Like many others, I sat in shock as I read the news of the Governor of Punjab, Salman Taseer, being murdered for supporting the revision of blasphemy laws. If you read any of my work, you know I am a staunch advocate for doing away with these unjust laws and you know that I am in favour of a progressive, liberal and tolerant Pakistan. As I saw the various news reports of so-called leader-spokespersons, who are usually men I might add, using this to further their own agendas, I began to feel very sad.

The two main analyses that seemed to have surfaced were either that religious extremism was the main culprit and that the ‘war on terror’ must be fought even more ruthlessly now, or that religion, particularly Islam, had nothing to do with this murder, and ultimately that America is to blame. I felt even worse when I saw that the killer was being glorified and honoured for murdering one of the few progressive and outspoken leaders in the country.

At this time I believe it is important that the world see that Pakistanis condemn this killing. It is also important that young Pakistanis, politically disengaged Pakistanis, and impoverished and disenfranchised Pakistanis, see senior and prominent Pakistanis condemning this violence. Immediately after hearing about the murder I responded by making my voice heard and condemning this violence through whatever outlet I had accessible to me.

My message is simple: I am Pakistani and I condemn violence. I condemn the murder of Governor Taseer. I urge all Pakistanis everywhere to do the same. We must stand up and speak out each and every time there is violence and killing. You cannot speak out against certain violence but stay quiet about others. No matter what your political, religious, or national affiliations and no matter which way you look at it, murder is wrong and must be undeniably declared as wrong. Let us make it clear to the world once and for all that Pakistanis everywhere condemn violence no matter what justification is given and no matter who the victims are.

Pakistan is certainly in need of a new PR strategy but strangely, not everyone seems to be aware of this and not everyone seems to be for this. Those of us who sit outside the country see it so very clearly because we face first hand the response of the international community all around us. It is absolutely imperative that Pakistanis speak up and demonstrate our humanity. It is imperative that Muslims being of the religion of peace, as is claimed like broken-records, are seen in public speaking out against the misuse and misrepresentations of Islamic teachings. Where is the peace? Where are the people who keep the peace? Where are the people standing up for peace? We need to make ourselves visible.

On the other hand, if the only response from Pakistanis during an emotional time like this is silence, or blaming of the victim, or a complicated explanation of how the west is ultimately responsible for this murder, then Pakistan has lost the hearts of the people of the world and just given further ammunition to the US-led ‘war on terror’. Then, to feed into this hype, if Pakistani officials respond with increased support to this ‘war on terror’ with more drone attacks, the crisis becomes (and has become) a cyclical problem where one form of extremism feeds another. For the majority of the sons and daughters of partition, it is heartrenching to see the country being used and abused in this manner.

This murder is a serious blow to anyone working for justice and liberal progress in Pakistan. It is a message to all others working for positive change to shut up or be blown up. The murder is also a sign that the war on terror is a failed attempt. We need to reexamine what is hapening. In a country like Pakistan, the solution is not to bomb the place with hopes to kill extermist ideology; the solution is not as simple as implementing secularism with hopes of ridding the country of religion, and; the solution is not to pretend that their is no problem of growing Islamic extremism; the solution is not to say that Islam has nothing to do with these problems; or, to simply stop at saying the extremists do not represent all Muslims. Instead the solution has to be multifaceted - one which is based on an honest understanding of the various agendas at play and one which includes members of all stakeholders.

Having worked with the poor and victims of disasters in Pakistan as a social worker, I can tell you that faith, spirituality and religion is a huge part of life. Not only that, but it is a huge factor in survival for the people at the very bottom of the totem pole, which in Pakistan’s case is unfortunately the bulk of 180 million people. This is consistent with trends that indicate that the religiousity factor is the highest among the most impoverished parts of the world. Many humanitarian efforts in various parts of the world incorporate forms of prayer and other forms of devotion to a divine being (or beings). When there is no other sign of hope for people in this world, people often turn to mystical or holy powers for some source of hope to strengthen the self and to make it through the day. Given these conditions, a sad reality sinks in that Jinnah’s secular and admirable state of Pakistan, which professed no business in the religious beliefs of its citizens, is truly a mirage of the past. Instead a Pakistan full of religious intolerance does appear to be the present. Is there a way, then, to use the religiousity factor to support a movement towards a future of justice rather than to support this ghettoized murderous culture being mislabeled as a form of worship that is rapidly cropping up as Pakistanis go down the depths of despair? That is the question we must ask.

If you are Pakistani, I urge you to speak out loud and clear against violence, hatred and murder, and to organize your efforts. If you are Muslim and believe yours is truly a religion of peace, I urge you to reclaim your religion and demonstrate that peace. If you are from the west, I urge you to reexamine the real (yet not so visible) ‘war on terror’ objectives and outcomes and use your power as a citizen given your consitutions to influence your governments to develop a new strategy. I urge the people of the world to recognize that investing in Pakistan and supporting the Pakistani people is in the best interest of all of us. If not, then we can only join the millions of survivors of poverty, floods, and earthquakes, to say that only the power of God can help Pakistan now. I leave you with what a dear friend of mine often says in response, “God, Jesus, Mary, the Holy Spirit, Buddha, Allah, Lord Ganesh, Guru Nanak, all Gurus, and all forms of supreme being(s) [and before I get criticised here these are in no particular order and this is not a comprehensive list] all combined may not be able to help Pakistan. It is up to us human beings to clean up the worldly mess that we have made.”

Last Updated on Friday, 07 January 2011 22:21
Comments (14)
14 Saturday, 15 January 2011 03:37
I am surprised that the mullahs are telling the Pope to stay out of Pakistani affairs. What about all the times Pakistanis go burning everything because of Danish cartoons, American culture, Palestine issues, and all other country affairs, but now that someone is telling them what to do they feel people should mind their own business. Even though Pakistanis want to migrate by the millions to the west, they bring these fanatic ideas to western countries while enjoying all the freedoms the west offers them.
13 Saturday, 15 January 2011 03:32
Hhhmm I do not know if we should be condemning Taseer. He was a very reasonable man. If we are condemning Taseer then I think extremists are winning. Taseer's position wasn't extreme, it was just that he stood firmly for what he believed, and what he believed in was just laws.
In anycase, I do agree with author above that the solution has to include everybody, even the mullahs, even the hardcore liberalists, even the minority Christians, even the poor, even the rich. Everyone has to play a part and be treated with respect for their beliefs. If we cannot agree on that then I do not think anything will get better. Right now we must as Pakistan reclaim our country and show the world that we are not violent people.
Its matter of Liberal extremists versus religious extremisim
12 Friday, 14 January 2011 09:47
I condemn both "Taseer" as well "Qadari". Both stood at the extreme poles, and the same is problem with Liberals and Rightest in Pakistan. Unfortunately, Both are adamant at their stance irrespective of the ground realities and lacks concerted approach towards solution of prevailing problems faced by a common Pakistani.

Let's sit together discussed with calm and aim to resolve the problems not aggravate them. By doing so, we will unite the already fragmented Pakistani society based on religion, ethnicity, social classes etc.
lets focus on good morals
11 Monday, 10 January 2011 06:01
I do not agree with spitting on any one's religion, I do not think that is the right approach. I think the point of article is that we must learn to live in peace. In terms of religion, whichever one you have if you do, if you follow it in its true sense then the world would be a far better place. I do not know of any religion that condones or calls for killing, unless the religion has been hijacked like Islam has been and like other religions have been in history. Every religion has good morals and we must try to find those again.
Rufi, I spit on your hateful religion, buddy
10 Sunday, 09 January 2011 11:30
Rufi, I spit on your hateful religion, buddy. How is it even considered a religion? I mean you make Hitler proud.
9 Sunday, 09 January 2011 02:13
Please see my correct comment and please ignore the one previous. If administration can delete the previous one by me than even better.

Thank you for starting off this trend Ms Bokhari.

Inspired by your words, I would like to join you and declare that I too am Pakistani and I too condemn violence.

The murder of Taseer was a terrible tragedy as any loss of life is. The significance of his murder has changed Pakistan forever. It is truly a sad time for all Pakistanis and in fact for anyone who believes in justice and a more liberal tolerant Pakistan.

I COMMEND you Ms Bokhari and any one who risks their own life for the sake of justice.
Pakistan must speak up
8 Sunday, 09 January 2011 02:09
I agree all violence should be condemned and Pakistanis cannot remain silent anymore.

Religion should be between oneself and whoever they worship. It should be no one elses business. If this was Jinnah's vision than I wonder how or why it got lost?
Condemn Violence In Pakistan~
7 Saturday, 08 January 2011 00:17
The land of pure known as Islamic Republic of Pakistan has now gone to dogs due to bad governance, and due to present unworthy & corrupt rulers in that beautiful country!
I totally condemn any kind or form of violence against any humanity, no one has a right to kill anyone, Islam teaches total tolerance and patience! I have Zero Tolerance for any kind of violence in any form or even Fundamentalism too~
Rights of Women and Minorities should be protected by the majortity class, which is not the case now in Pakistan~ Human Rights should step-in and make the present rulers abide International Human Rights Laws and Respect for one and all in that Islamic Country~ US can play a vital role in this regard and inform the authorities or people in power that enough is enough now, and no liency should be shown any more towards them if they choose the path of violence their international aid should be stopped forthwith.
disgusted and confused
6 Friday, 07 January 2011 17:41
@Rufi - What do you suggest should happen to the killer who took the law into his own hands? What is your opinion of those showering him with roses and him being glorified? What is your response to the issue that so many blasphemy cases are false just made up to target the poor? What is your response that the Quran makes no such mention of death penalty for blasphemy? What do you make of stories of the Prophet PBUH who treated his enemies with love and kindness and not in this kind of ridiculous barbaric way?
to the sadly confused
5 Friday, 07 January 2011 17:38
Ok, the statement is, I am Pakistani and I Condemn Violence, period. No Buts!!!
There is no justification. The court system in Pakistan is also messed up. I hope the killer gets exactly what he deserves.
4 Friday, 07 January 2011 17:25
I'm a Pakistani & I love my country & strongly condemn the VIOLENCE but as far as this issue is concerned, it got nothing to do with the liberalism.
There is no compromise with the Laws of Allah (swt).
As Salman Taseer said so bluntly without a fear of Allmighty, he should have had face the Court for the justice but to take the law in an individual's hand is wrong.

Being Muslims first & then Pakistanis, we should live the life according to our LORD & His Prophet (PBUH).
May Allah show all of us the right path & guide us throughout in our lives inshaAllah. Aamen.
Fully Support
3 Friday, 07 January 2011 16:46
I am Pakistani and I too condemn this violence.
I hope to read more such responses and more Pakistanis speaking out.
Thank you
love last line
2 Friday, 07 January 2011 15:58
Ha Ha
Love the last quote, it is funny and very true.
I am Christian, not really practicing. But this year we got through another Christmas with my son still believing in Santa.
With such strong and innocent beliefs of children let's also add the Easter Bunny and Santa to the list.
good article
1 Friday, 07 January 2011 15:48
I too am a Pakistani and I condemn this violence.