Dear Hillary, which Pakistan are you talking about? Print E-mail
Tuesday, 24 November 2009 01:00
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Western governments paint a picture of a violent, terrorism-crazed Pakistan its people will not recognise, says Qalandar Bux Memon

"Osama Bin Laden resides in Pakistan”.

So goes the mantra of the US government. This is followed by the assertion that ‘Mullah Omar’ resides in Pakistan. Both might be true. My cousin, who lives in Sindh province, was given the first name ‘Osama’ and certainly in a country full of mullahs there must be a few hundred conjunctions of Mullah and Omar... giving us many Mullah Omars in the Islamic Republic.

Another mantra – that of most mainstream western media outlets – is to present Pakistan as a country on the brink of failure and sunk in violence. This is aptly summed up in the Newsweek headline of Pakistan as ‘the most dangerous place in the world’. And there is, again, partial truth in this. Besides the occasional US drone attacks, the US-sponsored renditions, MI5/ISI torture nexuses and Taliban attacks, the gravest danger we face is in crossing the roads – road accidents in our country are among the highest in the world.

US droneIt simply is not a safe place to be, nor is Pakistan a state that we Pakistanis can run... we are corrupt, violent, harbourers of terrorists (in the same way Saddam harboured nuclear bombs) and simply do not understand Islam (which, as the US State Department and the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office via their spokespersons at the Quilliam Foundation will tell you, is a religion of peace and in harmony with Western foreign policy!) In fact, the Quran enjoins us to servitude to the US State Department. So goes the line of these sponsored Muslim spokespersons.

US governments and their aides in the Western media know realpolitik. The image systematically created of Pakistan by these sources has an operative function of furthering US and NATO intervention in this region. The logic is simple but all the premises are false and based on a distortion of facts, history and most conceptions of justice – Christian, Islamic, liberal and Marxist.

It runs thus: American has a right to pre-emptive action against those planning to attack it or its interests. Islamists are planning to attack America or its interests. Pakistan harbours Islamists. Therefore, America has a right to pre-emptive action against the Islamists harboured in Pakistan. I do not believe that the State Department or the FCO care much for Pakistan, its people, or its realities – the US has a long history of murdering the people of the Third World, from the Philippines and Vietnam to Iraq and Pakistan today - for them it’s a market they want for their companies and a region for their ‘war’ in Afghanistan. The image of Pakistan they manufacture, however, does not and can not correspond to the myriad of realities that exist there. It is not meant to.

What then are these realities? Here allow me to throw some of these realities at you by telling you of only a few of the people of this soil.

Let’s take Shah Inayat, a Sufi saint who in the early 1700s set up a commune on theological lines in defiance of the Mughal Empire. He held that the land belonged to God and that only those who worked to grow the crop were entitled to it. “Those who sow should eat” was the commune’s motto. His thoughts convinced peasants far and wide not to pay crop shares as tax to either the Empire or local landlords. Oral history suggests that the commune grew to over 40,000 strong. As it acquired more members so too did it attract the wrath of the Empire. Emperor Farrukh Sayyar sent in troops; upon their arrival they besieged the commune, but it resisted for months. Having failed with force, the Empire turned to cunning. Offering peace terms and swearing on the Quran to guarantee Shah Inayat’s safety, they angled him out of the commune, arrested and then beheaded him. In Pakistan’s Sindh province, Shah Inayat’s name is well known and he continues to inspire calls for social justice.

Or take the poet Shaikh Ayaz, who, for those who know his work, is considered to be the foremost poet of the 20th century, comparable to Pablo Neruda or Nazim Hikmet. Ayaz was born in 1923 in the city of Shikarpur. A firebrand poet, he was imprisoned for his anti-establishment views and his first book was banned by the colonial government upon publication. In 1965 more of Ayaz’s books were seized and banned as his defiant poetry challenged the republic’s pro-war rhetoric against India. He lived and understood a Pakistan that was not confined to Jinnah and Iqbal, the military state’s two symbolic heirlooms, but one nourished by the soil’s deep connection with Hinduism, Buddhism, river gods, Sufi saints and the civilization-giving river ‘Sindhu’ (Indus). Connected to this 5000-year-old history Ayaz was able to defy mullah, general and invader. Listen to the confidence in his civilization in this short poem entitled The Conquering Ant:

After his attack and conquest

Alexander the Great

Took with him

Two philosophers from Sindh

And he asked them on the way,

What is the philosophy of Sindh?

One of them said,

‘An ant in its home in Sindh

has a grasp on matters philosophical

greater than that of Aristotle’.

The other said,

‘An ant going along its way

Is a conqueror greater than Alexander the Great’.

The Americans and their sponsors will not tell you about him – after all, he would not bow to any invader!

Again let’s take David Barkat. David, 55, lives with other Christians in the Kachi abadi (slum) in Lahore, where he migrated in 1991 to make a living. He sells oranges and peanuts from a small stall in the winter, and ice in the summer, working from 6am to 8pm. If he has a good day he makes around 130 rupees (about 94 British pence). From this income he has to support his family and keep up with bills, food and other necessities…to give you an idea of the difficulty involved, twelve bananas in the market were going for 60 rupees today. None of his three children got any formal education: “I cannot even dream of getting my children educated”. They had to work to help the family survive from a young age. David survives by his own ingenuity and his community’s. He relies on an informal support network for interest free loans and other help.

The state and NGOs have been absent. “I have been waiting 25 years for the government to provide us with help and work effectively… and I will continue to wait”. David knows that neither army commander General Kayani, nor President Zardari, opposition leader Nawaz Sharif, Hillary Clinton or American Viceroy for Pakistan Richard Holbrooke know or care of his needs or the Pakistani Christian community’s – and so he gets on with his life, as he should and as we all do – despite the US bombs and colonisation, despite the Taliban and the intrigues of the elite and intelligence agencies - with ingenuity, wit, and the wisdom of generations.

How ridiculous to us, then, seem the views of Newsweek magazine, CNN, BBC, the UK and US governments and Mrs Clinton’s imperial visits. They know how to cut political deals, but nothing of Pakistan’s realities. What we Pakistanis, home and abroad, must avoid is the internalisation of this propagandist image of Pakistan and Islam – no easy task given that most of our intellectuals, military brass, mullahs, and the political class have auctioned themselves off. We are part of the long chain of civilizations and in our daily lives we live a beat of our ancient soil and its history. It’s the beat, to remind you of Ayaz’s poem, of the self-conquering ant going about its daily routine. It is civilization.

Qalandar Bux Memon is editor of Naked Punch

Last Updated on Tuesday, 01 December 2009 22:29
Comments (23)
Both communites need to reign in the war mongers
23 Sunday, 29 November 2009 19:45
mira nair
There are clearly elements in both communities that are content to demonise each other and wish for conflict. What is important is that both sides do not empower these minority elements be they Islamist extremists or likud / Jewish supremacist intent on some form of Jewish jihad, both represent the worst elements of very old religions and communities.
About the unending jew-muslim problem
22 Sunday, 29 November 2009 00:40
1) Israel has 5 million people, just one small land for jews.

2) Muslims have 1600 million people in 57 muslim and many non-muslim countries.
Hence defending Israel against islam, muslims and arabs is a necessity.

3) The ancestors of the palestinians were neither arabs nor muslims. Arabic-islamic military invasion in 7th century led to their arabization and islamization.
Lord Michael Haseltine
21 Friday, 27 November 2009 11:38
Gregory Jumiah
"But if you want to cast all Jewish people - pro-Israel, anti-Israel, Russian, American, British, Ugandan, Ethiopian, wherever; from politicians and generals down to builders and shopkeepers, in every corner of the globe - as being involved in some kind of global conspiracy against Muslims, which is precisely what you are saying, then you can do that somewhere else, because you're not going to do it here".

You are reading what you want to read in my post. None of the above is true. I most probably have more Jewish friends than you, and yes, they understand where I am coming from. I use the term Jews only in political sense. Ordinary Jews are no different to any other people, but they don't wield the power this political minority has acquired since the end of the 2nd World War using the most insidious Holocaust blackmail. I was not born even, and I guess you were not either, as well as the majority of the living on this earth. We had nothing to do with the 2nd World War, in which 2 million Muslim soldiers took part & died for Britain, (CH4 British History Programme), and 50 million lives were perished, 27 millions of them Russians, with so many of their soldiers frozen to death on the battlefield fighting the German Nazi filth.

In my eyes Lord Michael Haseltine is NOT a friend of the Muslims, yet he spoke the TRUTH about Jewish Political Power in his own country. Surely you won't Lord Haseltine him anti-Jewish when I witnessed him say on TV, “If you are in a position of responsibility, you do not utter a word about Israeli activities against the Palestinians”. Tell me why that is. Your own conspiracy theories are shattered by Lord Haseltine.
In response to your comments
20 Friday, 27 November 2009 11:18

I will grant you this - you were right about the 'pakis' post; I should have deleted it, and have done so this morning.

Regarding the post about American 'pricks' - I considered deleting this when it was first posted, and I judge it to be borderline. Reading the post in its entirety, I decided that the commenter was referring to American politicians, given the subject matter the commenter was dealing with - ie Vietnam, Laos etc. Had I judged the commenter to be referring to all Americans, I would have deleted that post.

As for you - if you want to comment on the Israeli government, military or whatever, go ahead. If you want to comment on the pro-Israel lobby, be it in the US, the UK or elsewhere, feel free. If you want to analyse the role of Jewish representative organisations (such as the Board of Deputies) in lobbying in Israel's favour, that is your right.

But if you want to cast all Jewish people - pro-Israel, anti-Israel, Russian, American, British, Ugandan, Ethiopian, wherever; from politicians and generals down to builders and shopkeepers, in every corner of the globe - as being involved in some kind of global conspiracy against Muslims, which is precisely what you are saying, then you can do that somewhere else, because you're not going to do it here.

I'm leaving your last three comments online so that other readers can see the context of this exchange. Any others in a similar vein will be deleted as normal.

If you want to start your own blog, be my guest - but you may find David Irving got there first.

And believe me, neither I nor anyone else involved in this website wants to have credibility with racists.
ant-Muslim mira nair
19 Friday, 27 November 2009 11:17
Gregory Jumiah
anti-Muslim is NOT acceptable, Mira. But the likes of you have no problem with that at all. This site is sponsored by the Jews, I can see that from the number of posters defending the Israelis here. Israel gets $5 BILLIONS from the USA each year and still growls and disobeys the USA rulers. Israel also gets $BILLIONS more in military aid. Yet, the Americans who are busy killing your people have offered your country Pakistan $7 billions over 3 years with a long list of CONDITIONS. You people have no SELF-RESPECT, the likes of you I mean, Mira nair.
My Freedom of Expression.
18 Friday, 27 November 2009 11:04
Gregory Jumiah
What has David Milliband or Lord Levy done for the Palestinians. You have no credibility in my eyes. Throughout your history the likes of use have existed to harm your own kind. That is not a conspiracy. You have more concern about Muslims enemies

am going to start my own BLOG to expose enemies like you. So many Muslims families are being terrorised by the police because of people like you. You won't defend them but only the Jews, your declared enemies. Remember Jack Straw, after his vile remarks against your women, your women were attacked by the trash from among the whites.

Is it a CONSPIRACY that Israel is NOT even condemned, no matter what it does. Was Lord Michael Haseltine a part of your 'Conspiracy Theory' against the Jews when he said on TV that, “If you are in a position of responsibility you do not utter a word against the Israeli activities against the Palestinians”. SHAME on you, Rafi, or/and the so called Editor of this 'anti-Muslim BLOG.
Freedom of Speech
17 Friday, 27 November 2009 11:03
Gregory Jumiah
If you believed in 'FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION', you would not keep removing my posts. If you don't recognise the political Jews who own and control the British and American rulers in the mass-murder of Muslim men, women and children in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, than you have links with the Jews. What do you care Rafi. Why have you not removed this post >>>>14 Wednesday, 25 November 2009 07:56 Mylegacy The Americans have fucked over Vietnam, Latin America, Laos, Iraq, Afghanistan, Chile - the list is near endless. They are pricks. And the shite Irfan who calls the likes of you PAKIS.

Why are you so concerned about 'Jewish conspiracy', and NOT your own people, if you are a Muslim that is. Why are the Jews given top ministerial posts in every British & American governments when there are only 380000 of them in the UK, and some 7 millions only in the USA.
Somebody writes a thoughtful piece about Pakistan today
16 Thursday, 26 November 2009 23:07
Somebody writes a thoughtful piece about Pakistan today and its history and all you can respond with aggressive abusive hysterical swearing and rather than talk about the issues Pakistan faces you start abusing both the Pakistani author of this piece and Jewish people. Very sad, the dispatches programme did not have any vile abusive language and was a measured thoughtful piece of reporting on a very emotive and difficult subject, it did not abuse Jewish people or rant on ignorantly about Jewish conspiracies and racist abuse.
Pakistan bashing
15 Wednesday, 25 November 2009 14:54
All Americans arent pricks, however those that pull the power strings are cold blooded, heartless, right wing, non mulsim fundamenatlist, killers that do not even care for the ordianry Americans, look at the opposition to the health bill, response to Hurricane katrina, Columbine shootings, etc, etc. We of Pakistani origin living abroad, paradoxically, are actually taught by the countries we have made our home, about the injustices our governments undertake against developing nations, use divide and rule, etc, to suit foreign policy, that is because there are good people in the west that expose injustice no matter who is involved. So when was it a crime to care about Pakistan simply because we live abroad.
The Americans are pricks...
14 Wednesday, 25 November 2009 07:56
The Americans have fucked over Vietnam, Latin America, Laos, Iraq, Afghanistan, Chile - the list is near endless. They are pricks.

However, they are very powerful pricks - and after 9/11 very pissed off pricks. Dangerous pricks. They have the power and will to KILL anyone who attacks them - or plots to attack them. Can you blame them - really?

HOWEVER, none of this has anything to do with the fact that Pakistan is an appalling, corrupt, ignorant country. IF it make you happy to mock American power - so be it. You'd be much better served if you mocked the Pkistani institutions that have massively failed their own people.

In many ways you are EXACTLY what is wrong with the Pakistani community in England - you are more militant and ignorant than your former countrymen who at least are still trying to make a failed nation work.
Which Pakistan? This Pakistan
13 Wednesday, 25 November 2009 07:48
Ghazal Asif
Yes Pakistan is a rich and multi faceted society but trivializing the problems it faces and pretending they exist only in the imaginations of the CIA or whoever is really not the solution. Particularly since the wave of violence we have seen since October 5, not to mention the military operations displacing millions of our own citizens in Swat and now Waziristan, pretending to be confused about why Pakistan is among the most dangerous countries in the world today, for her own citizens no less, is frankly an irresponsible stance to take let alone publish.
Re: We live in our dreams
12 Wednesday, 25 November 2009 07:23
Farrukh Amlani
There is a famous Persian quote "pidram sultan bood" meaning "My father was a king". This is what is wrong with Pakistan. Our people are so full of glorifying ourselves and our history that we forget that the Pakistan population is quite weak when it comes to being socially responsible and being good citizens. We are extremely intolerant, cannot accept people and ideas that are different from our own and just want to think that there is a world conspiracy going on to destabilize Pakistan. Even if it is, our own weaknesses make our country what it is right now.
Dear Hillary
11 Wednesday, 25 November 2009 04:51
abraham haque
let us talk about a Pakistan where Muslims brun churches desecrate religous places of other people, brun Christian children alive and the government and their lackeys like Mr. Memon dont recognise that, if that is not a terrorism crazex country then what is please expalin. there is a very fine line being jigoism and stu[idit, you need to to decide sir, and soon which side you fall on.
always the victim
10 Wednesday, 25 November 2009 04:12
i am amazed at the consistent regularity at which this nation can play the victim. the only country in world that can put a trigger on its head and blackmail everyone else. when will you come of this victim mentality and think for yourself. Its always "oh they did this to us", "leave us alone", "its a conspiracy against us". If someone can do really bad things to you and you cannot stop it, then i feel they are smart enough to do that and you are utterly dumb-witted. Shame!
Great point Qalandar, sad that however, self denial continues in Pakistan
9 Tuesday, 24 November 2009 18:34
The points made by Qalandar, especially the 2 stanzas on the ant were wonderful. The ants/the philosophers were real, and willing to acknowledge the reality. And live with it.

In Pakistan today, while some do, most live in denial mode on the issues of poverty, corruption, even terror. The only quarrel I have with Qalandar's view is this - self denial that these and all other ailments are NOT homegrown, but foisted, if i may say so, from outside, by a "conspiracy".

Looks like soon, the fact that Pakistan today has a runaway growth rate (here i refer to population growth, apologetically speaking)shall also be seen as also FOISTED from outside/the west/the other bad neighbours etc. waiting for that "conspiracy " also to be written about by someone sitting in Britain and commenting on the South Asian squalor (armchair apologists shall we say). That will be a big joke though. High population leading to ills in the country ---foisted from OUTSIDE!
Message from site editor
8 Tuesday, 24 November 2009 18:29
If you want to criticise Israel, that's allowed. If you want to make racist remarks about a global Jewish conspiracy, that's not allowed, and your comments will be removed. Simple as that.
7 Tuesday, 24 November 2009 18:08
What world are we in? The Drone attacks are with the blessing of Pakistani army! Also, do Pakistanis deny the fact that they do harbor, encourage and finance militants camps to infiltrate their neighboring country? Can they deny the fact that it is in their interest to destabilize Afghan government if it ain't their puppet?
A respected Pakistani journalist couldn't have said it better, unless we (Pakistanis) get kicked in the rear we do not act responsibly.
Time to wake up before its too late!!!!
anti semitism is not acceptable
6 Tuesday, 24 November 2009 17:39
mira nair
Whilst criticism of Israel foreign policy or indeed the relationship between Israel and America in terms of the terrible treatment of Palestinians and America in the past indulging right wing religious extremist groups in Israel like the settlers and Likud is fair and proper, you do Muslims no favours by using such crass and offensive language re Jewish people and Israel. Muslims rightly do not want to all be seen as extremist types or living in the middle ages Taliban type preachers, so what makes you think all Jewish people or all Israelis are the one type of person who you so avidly dislike. Israel is probably no richer than Saudi, maybe they just spend their money more effectively. There are plenty of Israelis that want a fair two state solution and there are plenty of Jewish people that want that as well.
Hillary, which Pakistan are you talking about
5 Tuesday, 24 November 2009 16:50
I think sheikh Irfan is an alias, only racists, bigots and non pakistanis use terms like 'Paki.'
Mr Bux is only explaining the way Pakistan is presented by those who are against it, he did not say everyhing was perfect, far from it.However he makes explicit what is good about us as a people and that we must not lose hope. Mr Sheikh is not English or American as hos Grammar is terrible.
Bold Article
4 Tuesday, 24 November 2009 14:35
Thank you Mr Bux for this bold article . Its high time people realize how many innocent civilians have been killed throughout the world by the American leaders hysteria
the shift in society
3 Tuesday, 24 November 2009 13:55
Ayyaz Mallick
Dear Mr. Bux,

I do agree with your views that Pakistan, and the subcontinent as a whole, has been the birthplace of numerous saints and mystics whose philosophy if integrated into modern life would solve the majority of the problems of this tortured world.

But we do have to keep the ground realities in mind. And the ground reality is that since the Commando Zia's hypocritical Islamisation campaigm in the 1980's our society, and its values, have taken a definite turn for the worse. It has shattered the fabric of a previously pluralistic society and generally made people intolerant of differing viewpoints, especially when it comes to religion. This is not to say that we have forgotten the message of the great Sufis, it is just that the majority of society, and especially and most worryingly the youth, have abandoned the idea of critically analysing and debating their beliefs. And this has directly led to the various religion- and sectarian-related rife prevalent in society today. And this is coming from a son of the soil, from a middle-class family.
History: whose view
2 Tuesday, 24 November 2009 13:40
pervaiz vandal
Like Physics tells us object appear to the viewer depending on his location in time-space. Thank you Qalandar for a view of Pakistan from its people's stand point.
he lives in pakistan, not england
1 Tuesday, 24 November 2009 12:24
mira nair
so that kind of makes the rest of your rant kind of wrong re context and evidance.

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