ELECTION 2010: The BNP and UKIP - what's the difference? Print E-mail
Wednesday, 24 March 2010 10:31
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If the BNP and UKIP both gain an MP at the election, expect to see them voting the same way on a regular basis, says Symon Hill.

BNP leader Nick GriffinUKIP leader Lord PearsonTurning on my radio on Saturday, I heard ranting right-wing rhetoric and a demand for a freeze on immigration. I could easily have mistaken the speaker for a member of the British National Party (BNP). But it turned out to be a report on the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), which came second in last year’s European elections and hopes to gain seats at Westminster.

So what’s the difference between the BNP and UKIP? The BNP is described as far-right, racist, fascist. It’s regarded as beyond the pale and many politicians refuse to share platforms with its members.

UKIP is seen as basically mainstream. It may be regarded as firmly right-wing and perhaps a bit wacky, but its members are not treated as pariahs. UKIP representatives regularly appear on BBC Question Time without demonstrations or record viewing figures.

As I considered this, I knew that my dislike for both parties might have led me to overestimate the similarities between them. So I decided to compare their policies. And I found that I had in fact underestimated their similarities. On most issues, the policies of UKIP and the BNP are largely indistinguishable.

Race and immigration

UKIP want “an immediate five-year freeze on immigration for permanent settlement”. They say that “any future immigration should not exceed 50,000 per annum”. The BNP want to “stop all new immigration except for exceptional cases”. Both parties would reject asylum-seekers who had passed a “safe” country on their way to the UK. To aid this, they would both withdraw from the UN Convention on Refugees.

Until very recently the BNP spoke of ending “non-white immigration”. This seems to have been reworded, perhaps partly because Polish immigrants are mostly white, but also as part of their feeble attempts to appear less racist.

To be fair to UKIP, I must admit that they have never displayed the same concern with skin colour that has obsessed the BNP. They say they believe in “civic nationalism, which is open and inclusive” rather than the “ethnic nationalism of extremist parties”.

Nonetheless, UKIP insist that “a significant proportion of immigrants and their descendents in Britain are neither assimilating nor integrating into British society”. They say that “UKIP opposes multiculturalism and political correctness, and promotes uniculturalism - aiming to create a single British culture embracing all races and religions”.

Despite their reference to all religions, UKIP wish to ban the niqab (Muslim full face veil) in certain private buildings as well as in public. Their position is more extreme than the BNP, who want a public ban only.

Most people affected by this severe restriction are likely to have a different skin colour to the average UKIP candidate, but I admit that UKIP does not show the same blatant racism as the BNP, who refuse to admit that any non-white person is “ethnically British”.

These different approaches to race should not be dismissed; they could make a considerable difference if either party gains power. There is no prospect that either will form a government after this general election, but a serious possibility that they may gain one or two seats. Given the likelihood of a hung Parliament or a government with a small majority, those seats could be significant. And would it make any difference whether they were held by UKIP or the BNP?

Shoulder to shoulder

Consider education. UKIP wants schools to “teach about Britain's contribution to the world, such as British inventions, promoting democracy and the rule of law and the role of Britain in fighting slavery and Nazism”. The BNP believes that schools should “instil in our young people knowledge of and pride in the history, cultures and heritage of the native peoples of Britain”. Neither party suggests that there might be anything negative in Britain’s history.

What about the environment? UKIP describe themselves as “the first party to take a sceptical stance on man-made global warming claims”. This is odd, because the BNP “firmly rejects the ‘climate change’ dogma”.

Both parties would repeal the Human Rights Act. UKIP promise “forthright law and order policies” from “a government with the will to punish”. The BNP also “seeks a return to traditional standards of law enforcement”. But they almost sound more moderate than UKIP when they add that this would be “combined with social reform directed at addressing the root causes of criminal behaviour”. On the other hand, the BNP back capital and corporal punishment, whereas UKIP would restrict themselves to introducing “boot camps for young offenders”.

Both favour “workfare”, obliging people to work for benefits. However, economics seems to be one of the few areas in which they significantly differ. I found the old difference between the statist far-right (as seen in traditional fascist regimes) and the free-market far-right. Whereas the BNP call for renationalisation of key industries, UKIP clearly want to help the richest members of society, promising to scrap the top tax rate and all inheritance tax.

On military and defence issues, they share the same militaristic outlook, but differ on specific policies. At their spring conference last weekend, UKIP prioritised their demand for a 40 per cent increase in military spending. The BNP want to reintroduce “national service” (with a civilian option). But unlike UKIP, they would withdraw from Afghanistan and NATO. It seems that UKIP is far more pro-US.

Voters in Bexhill and Battle have heard that the BNP candidate in their constituency will be Neil Jackson – who previously stood for UKIP. As BNP candidate, he will campaign for “an immediate end to Britain’s involvement in unnecessary foreign wars”. It seems this is one of the few differences he could find with UKIP.

Two sides of the same coin

So why do we persist in treating UKIP as much more acceptable than the BNP? I’m not asking for UKIP members to be demonised, nor am I suggesting that the BNP should be treated more gently. But those of us who detest what the BNP stands for need to remember that far-right views are promoted well outside the BNP’s own membership – in UKIP, on the right of the Tory Party, in the pages of the Daily Mail.

When the BNP’s Nick Griffin was invited onto BBC Question Time, I wrote that the politicians who sat next to him would face a monster of their own creation. Their failure to speak up for immigration or to promote a vision of a different society has fuelled the far-right’s electoral success. On the programme, Jack Straw encouraged voters to support a “mainstream party”, implying that the differences between “mainstream” parties are trivial. Indeed, the only point at which the three mainstream politicians really argued with each other was when they competed to appear the most strongly anti-immigration – bizarrely dancing to Griffin’s tune.

This is no way to beat the far-right. We need to tackle the issues head on, not resort to demonising one far-right group while being relaxed about another. If the BNP and UKIP both manage to gain an MP this year, don’t expect to see many occasions on which they do not vote the same way.

Last Updated on Thursday, 25 March 2010 18:13
Comments (11)
UKIP as the 'step betwixt'
11 Sunday, 18 April 2010 07:39
It seems that the difference between either is in degree, and not in orientation.

Together, they seem to form, at most times, a symbiotic whole that simultaneously makes up for the 'oversights' of the other. Additionally, it seems that the UKIP also serves as a 'prep school' for the BNP and might just desensitize one to the fascist/racist stance of the BNP.

We certainly have to watch for the possibility that parties such as the UKIP might just play the role of a stepping stone toward a vantage that might otherwise seem too great a reach for the average individual. It's the steps betwixt heaven and hell that we ought to be concerned about.

Thanks for the education Symon.

Re Matthew Faithfull
10 Sunday, 11 April 2010 21:47
Dear Matthew

We've published a reply by your colleague Julian Conway here:

Right of Reply
9 Friday, 09 April 2010 14:57
Matthew Faithfull
As a Christian and a UKIP parliamentary candidate I would like a right of reply to this disengenuous and misleading article. I'm fed up with being called a racist by ignorant people who don't know me. I recently attend a conference of 550+ UKIP candidates and activists and I didn't meet any racists or hear either mention of race or a racial comment in 2 days of constant conversation. On the other hand I frequently meet Conservative voters in my constituency with racially based opinions and vocabulary that would make your hair stand on end.
Open your eyes please
8 Tuesday, 30 March 2010 18:17
Sarah, it always amuses me when I hear the arguments you make. It seems to me people like you are happy to take the labour of immigrants over the decades whether in the health service or education or other public services such as transport. Your happy to buy your bags of salad probably picked by an immigrant being paid less than the minimum wage and you ignore the huge contributions made to Britain by people from the west Indies, Pakistan and India from the tens of thousand that fought in world war 2 to the many other things, because Sarah you are a bigot with little knowledge of British history, especially the history and contribution of migrant communities and cultures to Britain. I can recommend some books and further reading if you would like on this or you could just open your own eyes. Maybe start with health services, education and public services then look at commerce and industry.

UKIP have the right idea!
7 Tuesday, 30 March 2010 16:01
Labour have lied to this country over immigration, they've opened the floodgates, allowed in anyone regardless of their criminal background or even terrorist sympathies, and now it's racist to even debate the issue. I have no problem with sensible immigration where there are proper checks and the immigrant wants to be BRITISH above everything else, even his religion if it clashes with our culture, but the situation we have today is intolerable. Well I for one am sick of reading in the news about more and more violent and shocking crimes, drug dealing, gang culture and realising the majority of the perps are foreign, take the recent murder of a schoolboy in a busy London tubestation, he was hunted down by a pack of kids and stabbed to death, everybody involved was black. A few weeks ago there was a double page spread in one paper about Muslim gangs taking over the criminal under world because there are so many of them, they're close knit and they play on Al-Quaida connections to force other gangs to step aside. Parts of London, the ENGLISH capital, are nothing more than ghettos now and the same is happening in all our major cities. If the BNP or UKIP are the only ones who have the balls to sort this mess out then they're getting my vote.
Where do you live?
6 Friday, 26 March 2010 17:27
I wonder if you live in the same country as me. How long are we to allow immigration to continue -whether it be white black yellow or brown? How long can this bankrupt country support illegal and immoral wars? Why shouldn't British jobs go to British workers? Voting BNP is the only political answer.
5 Friday, 26 March 2010 01:20
Did the author consider that perhaps this person left UKIP for the BNP because UKIP was in fact not racist? I think you need to read those policies again with your glasses on.

Immigration at current levels is entirely unsustainable for a small island with a deficit that is growing out of control. Continued membership in the EU removes our ability to control our own numbers. I also happen to like living in a country where those who govern are elected and that certainly isn't the EU model. Globalisation and big state government hasn't helped anyone except the multi-nationals and the greed filled bureacrats who have paved their way. It is truly appalling watching our elderly decide whether to heat or eat while we stuff the coffers of this bloated socialist state.

As for the burka, as a female I find it as frightening and offensive as the robes of the KKK. Both are extreme symbols of inequality and segregation whether based on gender or race.
4 Thursday, 25 March 2010 22:43
Harry K
Surely the fact that the man standing for the BNP is EX UKIP, that shows just how UKIP tolerates racisim?
News or Propaganda
3 Thursday, 25 March 2010 20:45
Phoenix One UK
News or Propaganda
By Phoenix One UK

The media can and do influence the public on range of issues including how they vote. Many will have noticed the bias reporting across the board of which often conflict with public perception of what is and what is not, as can often been seen within the comment sections of many news articles. How often had the authors of such articles been criticised by their readers?

One such example is the EU propaganda machine, and yes, I am bias against the EU, but am I wrong. How many billions had been invested by the EU propaganda machine, and all at the tax payers expense. The tax payers are actually paying for this misinformation. A search on google will also reveal the great incentives offered journalist for writing articles with great cash prizes, and again, the tax payers are paying for it.

When reading articles, a number of which I even pasted within a number of debate forums, I also read the comment sections. For me they supply a wealth of information, and often include links to support their view points. People in any area are better informed about what is happening in their communities because they live in those communities. They report what they see every time they leave their home, and they report their experiences on range of issues, many of which commented sharing the same experiences and views.

Journalists are reminded that their job is to report the news not create it or report a bias view out of context with the facts.
I visited Lib/Lab/Con/Green/BNP and UKIP and obviously read your article. Hence, I advise you revisit and re-read the policies in question, and while at it, how about including the other parties.
Why do you hate us
2 Thursday, 25 March 2010 19:53
So what's your problem with white people?
Why are you so in favour of our marginalisation through mass immigration?

For your information, it's not immigrants who BNP members hate (they're blameless in all of this), it's weird self-loathers like you.
The Burka
1 Thursday, 25 March 2010 19:18
Harry K
Perhaps you are unsure as to what a Burka is?

UKIP are NOT persecuting region on this issue, in fact the full covering such as a Veiled Niqab or Burka is NOT specified ANYWHERE in the Qu'ran. On the contrary to persecuting, UKIP is trying to bring them to equal standing with other Britions. UKIP does NOT oppose the headscarf or Niqab without a veil over the face. The policy is in the name of equality and common sense.

Oh and maybe check the BNP website on welfare and other social policies before you compare the two.

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