Islam's bad press Print E-mail
Sunday, 13 June 2010 14:49
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By Anwar Akhtar

My first thought as I read the negative findings of the Exploring Islam Foundation/YouGov poll about Muslim communities was that I probably wouldn't like me if I had been exposed to the relentless demonisation of British Muslims dished out by the likes of Melanie Philips, Douglas Murray and others on every available media outlet.

Originally published by Comment is Free

The Crucible is currently playing in London's Regent's Park. I'd recommend it to Douglas and Melanie, to see if they recognise where the demonisation of a group of people for their faith, culture, heritage and identity can lead to. Their with-us-or-against-us reductionism feeds directly into the levels of hostility that British Muslim communities face today.

Then there is the regular tabloid frenzy of misreported "scandals" around British Muslims, ably documented recently by Peter Oborne.

From Muslims threatening returning British soldiers in Windsor to banning Christmas in Lambeth, the stream of false media stories about Muslims, and the hype around fringe fascists such as Anjem Choudary, helps set the tone for the thugs of the English Defence League who've decided it is a great wheeze to scale up the recreational violence traditionally associated with certain football firms and skinhead gangs into a more structured day out, turning up en masse for "Paki bashing" in various cities in Britain.

They goad Muslim communities, especially our youth, in the hope of getting a race war. They won't. Thankfully we have a society where the police now usually police fairly. They know to deal with mobs inciting violence, not the communities targeted by the mobs. It wasn't ever thus, as anybody that remembers Southall in 1979 and Blair Peach will tell you.

British Muslims come in all shapes and sizes – doctors, artists, youth workers, taxi drivers, entrepreneurs, layabouts, scientists, dope heads, police officers, DJs, military personnel, Conservative cabinet ministers.

Polls telling us that many Muslims are very religious and are not happy about parts of western foreign policy are not that helpful.

I can't see these polls including questions about the arms industry's business activities in the South Asia and the Middle East, or the investment in religious extremism by the west during the Cold War. Nor are Douglas or Melanie likely to say: "It is not all a one way street; the west has much responsibility for these issues".

What we need is a long term focus on social and economic factors affecting not just Muslim communities, but many others as well – educational underachievement, health, gang culture, unemployment and cultural isolation, segregated schools that lead to ghettos and racial tension.

Also, given that the majority of the British Pakistanis, British Bangladeshis and British Indians who make up the majority of the British Muslim population are concerned, interested and involved in their ancestral homelands, it is about time this was used as a positive.

Some of the most important campaigners against extremism and sectarianism are the political and cultural activists and artists of South Asia, as are those working in welfare and social programmes.

The arts, culture and education are vital to challenging sectarianism and we must support those involved in this work within Muslim diaspora communities and wherever the EDL is looking to spread its poisonous message.

For those of us from the Muslim world, it is vital not only that our many histories, traditions, cultures and art forms are protected from the sectarian reactionaries, but that the next generation is given every chance to understand the richness of Muslim communities and traditions, and be allowed to build their version of their own cultures. The work of the Exploring Islam Foundation is to be welcomed, encouraged and broadened.

And it cannot be said too often that the kind of religious extremism we have seen emanating from parts of South Asia is a political phenomenon, given to the world by forces involved in the Cold War. It was an extension of empire. It now falls on all of us to address these challenges socially, politically and culturally rather than another round of polls bellyaching over the stigmatisation of British Muslim communities.

Anwar Akhtar is director of the Samosa

Published on Sunday 13th June 2010

Last Updated on Sunday, 13 June 2010 15:02
Comments (2)
Islam's bad press
2 Tuesday, 15 June 2010 16:08
anuj joshi
My response was to the "Islam's Bad press" topic. Strategically/strangely, I find it under Islamophobia !

Looks like contrarian views are not welcome here. So be it.

Just so that you know a little more - here's a line I was saw on The Dawn newspaper in a blog by a Pakistani friend, quoting a hadith for justifying his views (don't hate me for it - go to Dawn Blog and decide why this is even printed)-

"-Prayer is anulled if a dog passes in front of you. But is also anulled if a donkey does so as well, and also if a woman does so as well."

I know this will not be taken well. Can't do much, but do view comments on Dawn blog man bites dog and printed hadiths by commenting person.
1 Monday, 14 June 2010 10:30
anuj joshi
You are probably right about the part where Brit Muslims get tagged, for what they may NOT have done. I'd not be able to agree with the terror part myself.

However, I have lived in South Asia across 4 countries with large Muslim populations. The tag of repression of women is right on, if you go by the issues that we see around us in most families of the Muslim middle class and elite. The people who belong to lower income groupings anyway have no choice, so economics guides them all, everywhere , to first fill their stomach any which way.

In Britain, I guess, with the huge liberal mind set, these issues tend to anyway get highlighted.

But, truthfully, in the my experience, in lands where 30% or more of Muslims live, women are repressed. In fact the interesting thing is that Asian and especially S Asian societies are anyways more conservative than western or very oriental ones about the role of women, so there are commonalities between people of different faiths on how they perceive the role of women...within that, I can only say that , in this part of the world, I have mostly seen repression of an EVEN higher order amongst adherents of Islam. Interestingly, in the last 7-8 years, I have seen more young Muslims in my town and travels in S Asia, becoming more conservative in their dress and tilt, while there are obvious rebels there who try and be avant garde.

Maybe, there is some truth in the part to do with interpretation of women and their role, which has been allowed to take hold, by the Muslim intelligentsia not questioning their religious leaders in my town and places I know.

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